Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tips to manage Madras eye effectively What is red eye?

Courtesy: an email forward from my friend Santhanagopalan K.

Some dos and don'ts on how to prevent it Redness and swelling of the eyelids and the eye surface generally occurs dueto an infection called conjunctivitis. It is common and occursintermittently as an epidemic due to rapid spread from person to person. Thepatients have a discharge from the eye and itching.

Most of the cases are caused by viruses or bacteria. Prevention is of prime importance. Anepidemic of Madras eye is very infectious and severe and lasts for two-three weeks. Here are some tips that will help you fight conjunctivitis.

Dos: A person with infectious red eye should not attend school or go to work tillhe is better. The patient should meet an eye doctor as soon as possible.Home treatment for red eye includes keeping the eye free of discharge andusing warm compresses. A different clean compress should be used for eacheye. After wiping the eye clean, the wipes should be disposed of properlyand immediately. The hands should be washed with soap and water aftertouching the eyes or face and after applying medications to prevent theinfection from spreading.

Don'ts: Poor hand-washing is the major culprit as also sharing objects, such astowels with a person who has red eye. All medications prescribed by thedoctor should be used as directed and should not be shared by differentpatients. A person using contact lenses should immediately stop wearing themtill the red eye has gone completely and even then, after seeing a doctor. Red eye may be more serious if there is any condition that decrease thebody's ability to fight infection or in a person wearing contact lenses. One should immediately return to the doctor in case of decreased, double, orblurred vision that does not clear with blinking.

Dr. AMAR AGARWAL (Director, Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital , Chennai)
posted by Raghavan alias Saravanan M at Thursday, November 30, 2006 |